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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  September 14, 2017 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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it's not just your gym, you jerk! >> road rage over here. >>i had one about the hurricane. blake shelton and a a a a a a . >> bret: "special report" starts at the u.s. treasury department. we are coming to you from the diplomatic room. in a moment, i will speak with secretary stephen the notion about tax reform and other issues. first, the other stories making headlines today. authorities in florida say eight patients at a sweltering hollywood nursing home died in the aftermath of hurricane irma. police chief says the depths appeared to be heat related. air conditioning not working there. more than 100 people evacuated from the facility. elsewhere more families are returning to damaged or destroyed homes. we will go live to florida shortly. university of virginia has
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removed a black shroud protesters used to cover up a statue of thomas jefferson during demonstration on campus. the daily progress reports a group of 100 people gathered tuesday night to protest the university's response to white nationalist rallies in charlottesville this summer. senator bernie sanders is introducing a bill to establish single-payer health care system. medicare for all. the government would foot the bill. there would be no more individual or employer-provided insurance plans. that measure has basically no chance in congress. what it means for democrats politically is another question. a veteran houston police officer who drowned in hurricane harvey's floodwaters was remembered today for his faith and dedication to family and public service. hundreds of mourners attended the service for sergeant steve perez. the 60-year-old officer was driving a patrol car before dawn on august 27 when his vehicle
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went into a flooded highway underpass. more news after the interview. mr. secretary, thanks for the time. >> great to be here. >> bret: do the hurricanes and the extra spending make it tougher on tax reform and not busting the budget? >> i don't think so. first of all, these two hurricanes, these were back-to-back. this is a horrible situation, and our number one focus is to make sure we get the money to the states to rebuild. >> bret: house ways and means committee chairman kevin brady said today that they are in the process on tax reform. he has also suggested may be some tax incentives for hurricane victims. is that possible before a big reform rolls out? is that a fallback position? >> i don't they gets a fallback position. it's something we will look at. i also think now more than ever it's important to get tax reform done. this is about economic growth.
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it's about economic recovery. what these two hurricanes, we have to rebuild these communities. >> bret: you are at the white house for the dinner last night. you're going for the dinner with senator schumer and nancy pelosi. what's your sense of where things stand between the administration and capitol hill on specifics? >> i've had the opportunity to work with the president for a long time on this. i worked with the campaign on this for him. since january, gary cohn and i have been meeting with the leadership of the house and senate. we are determined to get tax reform and tax cuts done this year. we are on track. we will be releasing the details very soon. we look forward to getting this to the president's desk this year to sign. >> bret: you thought august was going to be tax reform. maybe this year. are you confident it's going to be this year? >> obviously health care took longer than we expected, and we thought tax reform would be
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right behind it. we didn't want to do something during the august recess, so we are ready to go. i am optimistic we will get this done this year. this is about creating economic growth. it's about creating a business tax system that's competitive. >> bret: yesterday you made the statement about the corporate tax rate that 15% may not happen. >> what i said was it's been the president's objectives since the campaign to get to a 15% rate and that's ideally where he would like to be. as we go through the budget process, as we go through the process of reconciliation or whether we go through the full senate, we are going to work on it. that's the president's objective and as we are striving for. >> bret: you have u.s. companies who relocated to ireland for 12.5% corporate tax rate. it is a reduction to let say you get to 20%, is it enough to make a big difference when it comes to that? >> this isn't just about cutting taxes. this is about tax reform.
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this is about changing the system and going from a worldwide system to a territorial system to make us competitive. that alone is going to create literally tens of thousands of jobs and have trillions of dollars invested here. this is also about taxes on small and medium-sized businesses. we want to make sure there is tax reform and tax relief for pass-throughs which are a major part of the number of companies in this country. >> bret: you have senator ted cruz today proposing full and immediate deductions for capital investments by businesses. in other words, a one time, they could do it at once and there by encourage your incentive to invest in factories and equipment. >> we will have those incentives in the package whether we go with what senator cruz has suggested or other alternatives. we will make sure companies have incentives to invest that money. >> bret: the president has said he wants an estate tax or death tax out.
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>> yes, zero. the issue is americans have already paid their tax. the tax again at death is unfair. we want to make sure families who have companies can pass on the companies. farms. we want to make sure there's not an excessive tax burden at death. >> bret: on the things we've talked about and getting 50%. if you get there, these different items. it adds up. tax reform being revenue neutral. is it decided question mexico it will be revenue neutral under our growth assumptions. when people talk about revenue neutral, what are you scoring too? the answer is we are not going to score 22% growth and assume there is no economic changes. that makes no sense. the cbo does that and joint tax, we may get a small amount of credit. we are going to score it and we've got 100 people in treasury working on models. we are going to explain to the american public how this is paid
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for because we are concerned the debt has gone from 10 trillion to 20 trillion under the last eight years. just crossed 20 trillion and we want to make sure we are careful and not adding to the burden of debt. >> bret: you know what democrats say. they say you're characterizing this in rose-colored glasses and that because of an aging population and the number of other factors that the gdp estimate over a decade is more like the cbo and not some dynamic scoring you are going to come up with. how do you respond? >> we have lots of economists who don't agree with that. we are looking forward. we are not looking backwards. i would also say they have added $10 trillion to the national debt. the difference between 2% and 3% is over $2 trillion in revenue to the government. it's over $10 trillion of economic growth to the economy. we can pay for these tax cuts
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with economic growth. >> bret: yesterday legislative director mark short said we don't feel like we can assume we can get tax reform done strictly on a partisan basis. that's this democratic outreach, right? is there a plan to not use reconciliation and go old school and try to get enough democrats to 60? >> i would hope the types of things we are talking about for economic growth attract republicans and democrats. i hope there is democrats support. but if there is not, we will use reconciliation because it's too important for america to get this done. >> bret: repatriation. are you going to tie repatriation of money overseas coming back to investment and infrastructure? >> i don't think we will tied to infrastructure. people talk about whether we should do one bill or two bills. the president is very focused on infrastructure and wants to get it done. that's also a complicated issue. what we are going to do on repatriation is there will be a deemed tax, a one-time charge for the conversion.
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and that will create the incentive for companies to bring it back and invest here. >> bret: linking the two, you don't know yet. >> for now we are focused on taxes. we will leave it to congress if they want to add infrastructure to this. we've got both plans ready to go. >> bret: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell saying you have these extraordinary measures that will take it well into 2018 before they have to do with the debt ceiling race. some people are saying march. >> i'm not going to comment on the specific date, as i have previously not given guidance. what i will say is we did restore my superpowers. one of the things we did is raised $20 billion for cash last week. i've been operating the government like a piggy bank. we haven't had enough cash. what this deal allowed me to do is restore the cash and make sure we don't need to shut the government down over a fight
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over the debt ceiling. >> bret: what you think about the majority leader counting on treasury? >> i will be there to protect him. we don't need to worry about this issue until 2018. >> bret: we sanctioned one chinese bank but there are a slew of others. still doing business with north korea. how difficult is it to follow the opaque money trail? >> it's not difficult at all. i was just at the white house this morning talking to the president about north korea, talking to him about sanctions. as i have suggested, i worked on an executive order that's ready if the president wants to use it. we can stop trade with any country that does business with north korea. we're going to be careful using these tools but the president is committed. we will use economic sanctions to bring north korea to the table. >> bret: you are saying stopping trade with china? stay go stopping trade with anybody. nobody would be off the table.
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we are reviewing this. we are pleased with the sanctions the u.n. did that they didn't do enough. at treasury, we will continue to work with the president on doing more. >> bret: the trade between china and north korea was up nearly 40% of the first quarter. even though china was saying they were clamping down on north korea. >> we are well aware of those numbers and i can assure you we will be on top of this. >> bret: what's the thing that keeps you up at night question mexico nothing. fortunately i sleep very well because i listen to general mattis who says he keeps other people up at night. >> bret: mr. secretary, thank you for the time. from the treasury department we go to florida and the recovery from hurricane irma. complete wrap up we turn to adam housley live in homestead florida. >> the search and rescue mission here is largely becoming a resupply mission. desperate at times, massive amounts of aid floors into the -- pours into the florida keys.
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the most vulnerable now victims in the immediate aftermath of hurricane irma. police say eight nursing home patients in hollywood, florida, are dead, likely succumbing to extreme heat inside the sweltering facility. >> we believe they may be related to the loss of power. we are conducting a criminal investigation. >> in daytona beach three people are dead, four hospitalized from carbon monoxide poisoning. actives were overcome by fumes from a generator running inside the home. the rush to restore power continues with 9 million people still in the dark. the humanitarian need intensifies in the hardest hit areas. fox news' brian llenas was there when an army helicopter landed in key west. delivering much-needed aid to hundreds braving the tropical heat for hours and desperate for the basics. >> we just need help.
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everything we can get down here, we're going to need. if you can help, everybody, get down here and help us please. we really need it. >> loading up on food and water. we also tagged along with the u.s. border protection air and marine operations getting an aerial glimpse into the destruction from the category 4 storm. these men have followed irma, conducting search and rescue. >> we feel bad for the families that live here. a lot lost their homes. hopefully they can rebuild. >> the monroe county sheriff says some areas have been obliterated. >> it looks like a nuclear bomb went off. we can't let people come in until it's safe. trailers flipped over. boats on the side of the road. >> search and rescue operations continue with first responders painstakingly going home to home, in some places marking a x and 0 indicating no one has been
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found. fema says it will shift its attention to temporary housing just like in the aftermath of hurricane katrina. >> the keys are going to be tough. we have to make sure we get some manufactured housing but also some rental assistance and hotel support. >> help is also pouring in from sailors aboard the uss abraham lincoln. turning seawater into drinking water. delivering it by air to hurricane stricken residence. customs and border protection air and marine operations working with local authorities to get relief to florida. this aircraft, that team followed the hurricane through the caribbean to hear. tomorrow they will continue their operations. >> bret: adam housley live in homestead. thank you. we are a few yards from the treasury department here on the north lawn of the white house. the president is getting ready to go to florida tomorrow to
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view the hurricane damage there. today it was all about tax reform. chief white house correspondent john roberts joins me. >> good evening. this was the big signature issue of the presidential campaign for president trump and he's determined he's going to get it passed this year, the signature issue of tax reform even if it means turning his back on one of his big campaign promises. >> democrats -- >> meeting with house members today, president trump had bad news for high income earners. they likely won't benefit from tax reform and in some cases might even pay more. >> i think the wealthy will be pretty much where they are. pretty much where they are. we can do that, we'd like it. if they have to go higher, they'll go higher. >> it stands in sharp contrast with the president promised during the campaign that the richest americans receive a whopping tax cuts. politics have changed. if he hopes to get democratic buy in, the focus will have to
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be on cutting taxes for businesses in the middle class. >> looking at the middle class and jobs. >> the president is exercising a lesson learned from the failure to repeal and replace obamacare, that his own party can't deliver what he wants. west virginia democratic senator joe manchin, had dinner last night at the white house, said with the right tax reform formula the president has a chance to form a centrist coalition. >> i think a perfect scenario would be, 30 republicans and 30 democrats. we are not going to get the far fringes. >> president trump dines with chuck schumer a nancy pelosi tonight to talk tax reform, infrastructure, daca. >> if you look at some of the greatest legislation ever passed, it was done on a bipartisan manner. and so that's what we are going to give a shot. we are going to see what we can do. if it works out, great. if it doesn't work out. >> the move toward the middle has lit a fire under house
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republicans. kevin brady announced the framework of tax reform will be released in september, the 25th. paul ryan confident the president will pursue conservative tax reform. >> the point is the house, the senate, the white house starting from the same page. >> as the president ramps up push for tax reform, the white house tripled down on its assertion that the former fbi director james comey may have broken the law by leaking memos he wrote following meetings with the president. asked why leaking memos after he left the fbi constitutes a crime, sarah huckabee sanders. >> the memos were created on fbi computer while he was the director. he claims they were private property. they followed the protocol of an unofficial fbi document. leaking memos regardless of classification violates federal
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laws, including the privacy act, standard fbi employment agreement or nondisclosure agreement all personnel must sign. i think that's pretty clean and clear that that would be a violation. >> another headline today, out of the bipartisan meeting, texas congressman said the president did not insist on linking border wall funding to new daca legislation. he did say that the president wanted some border security attached but that the wall could be added somewhere else. >> bret: the white house reacted to something and espn host set about president trump. stick it was a series of tweets by jemele hill. it was asked if the briefing, "donald trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself with other white supremacist. his rise as a result of white supremacy. he is unqualified and unfit to be president." the press secretary took exception, saying one the more
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outrageous comments anyone could make it certainly something i think is a fireball offense. -- fireable response. it's the one who decides when america goes to war?
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>> bret: welcome back to the west wing of the white house. senator schumer and house minority leader nancy pelosi are coming to dinner here in a few moments. senator bernie sanders wants all of america on the same health plan with the government running the operation. it's called single-payer, and it has long been a goal of the political left wing. now it has become a mainstream idea for democrats. chief washington correspondent james rosen has details. what it may mean politically for
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democrats. >> we now have 16 cosponsors on this legislation. >> one-third of the senate democratic caucus has already signed onto the single-payer health care bill senator bernie sanders unveiled wednesday including most of the parties potential presidential aspirants. >> health care is a basic human right and we fight for basic human rights. >> this is the fight for our nation to live up to our ideals. >> it's a better return on the investment for the american taxpayer. >> what a difference from 2010 when president obama pushed the affordable character through congress along party lines without proposing a full government takeover of health insurance, even though he favored the idea because it was considered too radical. >> i'm not promoting a single-payer plan. >> i think on this one, the left is fated to have their hearts broken. >> it tells us the base of the democratic party has moved to the left. the country itself has not moved
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in that direction. to the degree certainly the base of the party has which is why president obama was cautious. >> sanders has offered single-payer legislation before. and as previously, the budget math inclined toward vagueness. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, the democratic leaders in the house and senate respectively, declined to endorse the standards measure with pelosi telling "the washington post" it won't be a litmus test for democrats in 2018. republicans were eager to portray it as such. >> i think we are going to start seeing democrat primaries in 2018. you have this litmus test now on the left whether or not you are for socialized medicine. >> schumer and pelosi insist their goal is propping up the affordable care act which was dammed by critics in 2010 and hailed by supporters as a stepping stone on the path toward a single-payer system. >> bret: more on this with the panel. positive dan wall street with all three indices setting record
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high finishes. dow rose 39. s&p 500 was up 2. nasdaq gained 6. now that we are in september, the final month of the baseball regular season, the first month of the nfl season, and we are also in retirement season for lawmakers on capitol hill. this time it's congressional republicans getting the most attention. doug mckelway tells us why some are getting ready to hang up their jerseys. >> it's called the jailbreak for a reason. august recess is an escape from congress' harsh realities. with recess over, the predictable autumn retirement season has begun. >> a lot of this is personal but the polarization around here is pretty severe. >> pennsylvania moderate republican is 1 of 7 to announce retirement. ten safe seats are open. it could signal trouble ahead for the midterms. a former presidential advisor
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and breitbart publisher steve bannon is promising to primaried the pragmatists out by backing economic populists and conservatives. the freedom caucus remains resistant to compromise. >> both groups, bannon or the freedom caucus, still believe they can take over the republican party and dominate. >> conservative challenges didn't work out well in 2010. candidates faded in general elections. one bannon backed candidate, roy moore in alabama has made an embarrassing misstep. >> you're not aware of what dreamers are? >> no. >> it's a big issue in the immigration debate. >> why don't you tell me what it is? >> republicans are heartened
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seven retirements and ten open seats is less than in a normal election cycle. >> seven is well below the 22 average retirements that would normally happen in a congressional election season. >> republicans have a distinct advantage in redistricting. 100 congressional districts that were once considered and played any any given time have been whittled down to about 70, making it much more difficult for house democrats to enact a majority. >> bret: doug, thank you. former new mexico senator pete domenici died today. the republican was the longest serving senator in that state's history. in office from 1972 22009. he was known for his budget expertise. he retired after being diagnosed with an incurable brain disorder. his son says he had undergone surgery in recent weeks. surgery in recent weeks. pete domenici
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>> one we set aside our differences, and it's amazing sometimes how little our differences are, we put our country and we put the citizens of our country first. that's what this is all about. we want to have a great new tax cuts and tax reform simplification and massive cuts. and we want to get our country working again and competing again worldwide and there will be nothing that can stop us. the rich will not be gaining at all with this plan. i think the wealthy will be pretty much where they are. pretty much where they are. we can do that, we'd like it. if they have to go higher, they'll go higher frankly. we are looking at the middle class and we are looking at jobs. if you want the president talking about tax reform and what he's looking for from texa. a host of lawmakers coming to
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the white house today. democrats and republicans. meeting with various officials and the president. we are moments away from dinner. we won't be there, but the president will and the house minority leader and the senate minority leader will be there as well. let's bring in the panel. joining me at the white house, shannon petty peace. white house correspondent for bloomberg news. in the washington bureau, mollie hemingway, senior editor at "the federalist." byron york, chief political correspondent at the "washington examiner." shannon, we have a clarification from the white house saying the president was not saying he wants to see taxes raised for the top earners but he was not saying they are going down either. >> right. it still so many details about the tax plan that we don't know. that's part of why it's easy to be bipartisan right now and have democrats coming to the white house. we don't know the details. once the detail start coming out, we can see the turf divide.
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if the tax cuts for corporations are permanent but temporary for individuals, if there is an increase on the wealthy or if it looks like the wealthy is getting a bailout. those are the things democrats are going to latch onto. we will see if this bipartisan spirit carries into october. >> bret: kevin brady, house ways and means committee chairman sink is -- saying september 25. vu heard the treasury secretary saying they wanted to be revenue neutral. based on their calculations as far as what they calculate growth going forward. >> the way we calculate these things makes it so if you have tax relief for some, you have to have the tax burden increased on others. that's silly. the entire point of tax reform is to lessen the burden on americans, workers and businesses. the way we score these things
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and evaluate is imprecise, and we should stop being beholden to these ways of scoring. we should extend the period of time, dynamic scoring, factory and what we know happens with tax reform which is the economy grows. we saw that in the '60s with john f. kennedy. 1986, the last time we had any significant tax reform and we sought the george w. bush presidency when there was a little bit of tax relief. the economy grows and that's a good way to grow out of some problems. >> bret: here is the house speaker at senate minority leader on unity. >> i would love to have the democrat supporting and working with us on tax reform. we are going to do it no matter what. >> we don't want a reformed balloon the debt because we know many republicans will use the debt as an excuse to come after social security and medicare and medicaid. our caucus is united on that front. >> bret: you wonder how, to be
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a fly on the wall at dinner .. emocrats act as fiscal hawks. i think what the president said today was a really big deal. the wealthiest not gaining from this tax reform. not having a tax cut or not gaining. focusing instead on the middle class and jobs which is what the president campaign for. we saw joe manchin, the democratic senator senator saying friendly things about that. if trump takes that path, it would set him apart from previous republican tax reform efforts like the bush tax cuts for the paul ryan taxcutting philosophy. it would establish him politically as a different type of republican. >> bret: that's their bet. they are putting a lot on tax form. >> yes, they know this is essential.
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after the failure with health care which i know everyone is still pushing. it didn't go as they wanted. they feel like they have learned a lot of lessons. they have learned they can't depend on their own party to ram through legislation. they have to reach out democrats. what you're seeing happening right now as part of that lesson they learned from health reform. they have to build a coalition of support and talk to companies, interest groups, nonprofits, grassroots trying to build support. i think the rubber is going to hit the road when we see a plan and that's what we are watching for. >> bret: a lot of outside groups as well as the travels of those dates with democrats in red states the donald trump won. i want to turn to something else that caught my ear in secretary mnuchin's interview. that's a possibility of cutting off trade with china when it comes to north korea. >> i have worked on an executive order that's ready if the president wants to use it.
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we can stop trade with any country that does business with north korea. we are going to be careful in using these tools but the president is committed. we will use economic sanctions to bring north korea to the table. >> bret: you are saying stopping trade with china? >> stopping trade with anybody. nobody would be off the table. >> bret: he had just come from the white house. >> this is something you saw donald trump tweet about, threatening to cut off trade. even a minor down tech in trade with china would have significant effects on their economy. this is a point of leverage. while china has been doing some work supporting cutting off north korea. they haven't really done a lot and they are resistant to the sanctions. if more pressure needs to be applied, making minor changes can have a big effect. you don't need to cut everything off tomorrow to have the pressure you want. >> bret: standby.
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next up, do you want the government to control your health care? that's next. ..
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♪ >> today we begin the long and difficult struggle to end the international disgrace of the united states, our great nation, being the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all of our people. >> i think what bernie is doing is going to destroy quality over time, going to make it unsustainable for future generations and we will become
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grief. >> democrats believe that health care is a right for all and there are many different bills out there. there are many good ones. >> bret: single-payer is one of them. senator bernie sanders introducing. quinnipiac of replacing the current health care system with single bear. that idea, 38%. back a little ways, a question saying as the federal government responsible to say all americans have health care coverage and that was overwhelming. now you have democrats signing on, 16 of them supporting bernie sanders' single-payer plans. what does this mean? back with the panel. >> i think it shows you, these two dueling press conferences today show you how far to the left the health care debate has gone. a year ago we had a republican presidential candidate pledging to repeal and replace obamacare in the democratic presidential candidate had rejected the left wing of her party's desire for single-payer. now you have republicans coming
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out basically accepting obamacare saying they want to fix it by sending much of it to the states. that's what we saw in the gram- gram-cassidy news conference today. then you see a lot of the democratic party coming out in favor of what hillary clinton rejected, single-payer, including elizabeth warren, kamala harris, cory booker, a number of the party starts and possible 2020 candidates. >> bret: a lot of republicans are weighing in and molly, here is senator cory gardner saying this is interesting politically. >> there's a fascination with republican primaries but i think we're going to start seeing democrat primaries in 2018. there not for socialized medicine. >> a problem with the democratic party has, the candidates, the presidential contenders need to satisfy an increasingly leftist
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base with the ideas don't actually resonate with the american people. if you look at what happened with obamacare or a bunch of democrats were forced to vote for that and ended up hurting their reelection chances. if a host of democratic candidates. at least with obamacare you could argue that it was a way to help out private insurance. the idea that underlying, single-payer health care are so radical that even states like california, they just actually try to implement it, they decided they would not do it because the tax was so great and the costs were so prohibited. >> bret: nancy pelosi, clearly a liberal, released a statement saying i don't think single-payer health insurance is a litmus test, what we want is to have as many possible, everybody covered and i think that something we should all embrace. right now i'm predicting the affordable care act, protecting it rather. none of these things, whether it's for an's or others can really protect the affordable care act. there are some sensitivity to the school effort. >> the democratic party is not a
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united front behind single-payer. they never have. if this idea came back during the obamacare debate, it didn't happen. if the democrats went in another direction. there's a sense of popularity around this idea if you frame it is medicare because medicare is a very popular program and people like that program more on it. i won't speak for everybody but most people who like the programmer on it. if you take a kernel of that idea, expanding medicare for people who are 60, 65, i think maybe that's an idea that the democratic party could unify behind, it may be some to get on board. if of course it's unlikely to happen with a republican in charge of the white house. i think there might be some kernels to this planet have traction. >> bret: quickly, byron, part of this is the uncertainty, what's going to happen? republicans are going to make another effort before the end of the month but obamacare it looks like it's going to have problems if it's not changed. >> yes, and the trump
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administration certainly not supporting it like the obama administration did. what you saw, i think, with his grand cassidy-heller today it was a last ditch effort to try and find something. actually it was interesting, they had senator rick santorum, the former senator ten years ago and former republican presidential candidate who was there. and he said we were informed welfare in 1996 but we didn't repeal the whole welfare system. we want to reform obamacare. much, much different position than what you saw in the republican campaigns. >> bret: byron, molly, shannon, when we come back, it's never a bad time to check in with your mom. ♪ constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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♪ >> bret: finally tonight, two weeks ago fox business network reporter jeff locke rented to his daughter while he was covering hurricane harvey in texas. yesterday he went to visit his 91-year-old mother, who wrote out hurricane irma in englewood florida. and of course he did it on tv. >> i have my daughter on last hurricane, get my 91-year-old mother a shot. i'm running out of family members though. i have ex-wives i could put on, that would be probably a different show. >> hopefully she's not in her
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underwear. >> you are full of surprises! hi! >> we are on television right now. >> owned no! for heaven's sake, when you going to tell me that? >> i'm telling you right now. >> i was in there, close to the bedroom. >> good. i'm glad you're okay. >> full of surprises, thank you! >> i don't know if you are thanking me or what, there you go. >> bret: you are full of surprises, jeff! thanks for inviting us into your homes tonight, that's it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. "the story" hosted by martha maccallum starts right now. ♪ >> the greatest legislation ever passed that was done on a bipartisan panel. >> is thursday, september 14th,
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two unlikely lawmakers jumping on board the trump train striking a deal on daca. >> the democratic party is going through a lot of soul-searching. they realize donald trump is a dealmaker, not an ideologue. rob: next stop tax reform, we are live in washington. heading into a disaster zone surveying damage in irma's way, millions without power in florida. help is on the way. >> it is a crime and hurts the heart too. heather: a disgusting sign of disrespect for america's symbol of freedom. the video that will leave your blood boiling. "fox and friends" first starts right now. ♪ rob: you are watching "fox and friends" first on thursday
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morning. heather: thank you for starting your day with us. in a few hours donald trump will visit florida to see the devastation left behind by hurricane irma. todd: we are learning of the federal investigation into the death of eight people trapped in a sweltering nursing home. >> good morning. in the wake of irma police in fort myers getting a helping hand from army national guard units arriving yesterday. the president is also heading here but in the florida keys people are desperate for basic supplies, fema estimates a quarter of the homes there have been absolutely destroyed and authorities say the area lacks like water, power, even hospitals, and the roads are still littered with debris, power companies from all over the us